ما هي أسباب رائحة الفم الكريهة؟ | Radixdent
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أجوبة السؤال العام

ما هي أسباب رائحة الفم الكريهة؟

Bad breathe results from sulfur compounds that are residues of bacteria in the oral cavity. Dead or almost dead bacteria release sulfur compounds.
• Bacterial plaques and food residues are accumulated at posterior part of the tongue. Tongue surface is highly rugged, which favors survival of bacteria. Large amounts of sulfur compounds accumulate at this region.
• If tooth surface is not cleaned, it becomes a suitable area for survival of bacteria within a short time.
• People with severe gingival diseases have pockets that cannot be cleaned or reached easily by the people themselves. Such areas, like deep gingival pockets, also result in bad breath.
• Fortunately, treatment of bad breath originating from mouth cavity does not take long time and this problem can be eliminated.
